Google Maps new rules from 1 August 2024 price cut google map free service for business ola rapido and more

Google Maps new rules from 1 August 2024 price cut google map free service for business ola rapido and more

The rules have been changed by Google Maps. This rule of Google Map will be implemented across the country from August 1, 2024. The special thing is that Google Map has reduced the price by up to 70 percent. Along with this, it has also been announced to accept Google Map fees in Indian Rupees instead of dollars. Let us tell you that this has happened at a time when Ola Map has entered the market. Along with this, Ola Map can also be used for free.

If we look at it from the point of view of a common user, then this change in Google Maps will not affect you much. But if you use Google Maps for business, then you will have to pay less for it than before. Also, you will be able to make payments to Google Maps in Indian Rupees instead of Dollars.

Such questions are in the mind of users

Users have a question in their minds that when Google Maps is free, then why are the charges being deducted? In such a situation, it is important for you to know that the use of Google Maps is free for common people. But if it is used for business, then a charge is taken for it. Understand this with an example.

For example, Rapido is a ride-sharing company. The company uses Google Maps for navigation. In such a situation, one has to pay money to use Google Maps. These prices have now been changed.

Google used to charge Indians a monthly fee of 4 to 5 dollars for navigation, which from August 1 will have to be paid in Indian rupees instead of dollars.

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